Sunday, September 17, 2017

Overwhelmed with Gratitude

Many thanks to those who commented in response of my decision to finally share our story with the world, or whoever feels like reading it. I read/heard everything from Amazing, Brave, Generous, beautifully written, wonderful mom to I really connected with your writing style and wanted to know more. 
Those intimately involved in working with us and/or seeing this transformation unfold before their eyes have been urging me to share my stories with the world, yet I always stopped short of doing so out of fear, insecurities, or simply a lack of confidence that people would really want to read about it.  While I wasn't ready to do so, I did give them permission to share the appropriate details with others who felt stuck, unsure what steps to take next and/or just wanted to know they weren't alone. Much to my delight, one or more of the posts provided the strength for some to keep fighting for whatever support their child needed to be successful in school and in life. 

I am just a mom and wife of 2 amazing boys with a love of writing and a need for an outlet to write down my feelings.  No matter how many lives I touch with this process, I will continue to stay humble and use this blog as an outlet - a way to reflect and recharge as we forge ahead day by day.  I always dreamt of writing a book - one that touched the lives of others.  While I've had a love affair with writing and wanting to help others help themselves since I was a young girl, I never thought my journey would be one eventually shared with the masses in hopes of inspiring resilience in others to never give up. 

But it did and so here I am connecting people to our journey, hoping some will learn from it, others will share it with someone who could benefit from reading it and perhaps a few that are intrigued to read more and simply choose to come along for the ride.   

Whatever the reason, I thank you, am overwhelmed with Gratitude and hope I live up to whatever it is you are expecting from me.  

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