Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The good the bad and the ugly

After I posted all of the milestones and breakthroughs we had with our son over the last few months, we went through this past week of "the good the bad and the ugly". I know that he is just a little boy and boys will be boys. Some of what occurred this past week is just par for the course with a young child. Other things were more about him taking 3 steps forward and then 2 steps backward. His little brain is growing and changing so rapidly now and you just never know what you are going to get from hour to hour or day to day. I always have to keep in mind that it is one day at a time, one foot in front of the other and things will just keep getting better.

I know that with all of the bad and ugly comes so much good that it definitely outweighs the bad and ugly moments. 6 months ago I would have said the exact opposite b/c there were definitely more bad and ugly moments/days than good days back then. It almost seems surreal how much growth and progress we have made in such a short amount of time.

I thought it was a short amount of time until I made that comment to someone we have been working with for 2.5 years now. She said to me, "it didn't happen overnight, it happened b/c of all of the early intervention I have sought out for my son and the wonderful team that came together to help me, help him." I think of each and every one of them daily and am so thankful that they found a way into our lives. I know I went out and "found them" but to me finding them happened for a reason.

I received a few emails this week from some of my son's specialists stating how impressed they are with how well he is adapting to change, transitions, and even working through his small "meltdowns". I am so proud of my little guy and all that he has achieved. Through the good, the bad and the ugly the sun has begun to shine and all of the clouds that seemed to cover so many of our days are now behind us. Each day I see less clouds and more sunshine and that makes me one happy mom!

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