Saturday, October 29, 2011

Becoming vulnerable

I continue to be reminded of what a small world we live in. Thursday I was on a call with a mom of one of my sons classmates and found out that she is a close friend of some of the people I owe a lot of my son’s early intervention success to over the last 2 years. I once again felt a sense of happiness and pride in knowing that I have surrounded myself with an amazing “village of people” to assist me with our road less traveled. As of our conversation went on I realized that she too had come across struggles as she fought to get services for her son. Having to fight for the help that we are actually supposed to be offered from the state and the district seems to be a common theme for so many that I have come in contact with over the last year. It saddens me that there is so much red tape surrounding the success of our children, the very people that we are trying to groom to accomplish bigger and better goals than were set for us.

I went to a Department of Pupil Services – Special Education meeting. During the meeting the group outlined the special education programs, goals for the 2011-2012 year, the entire process from pre-k though HS graduation, costs involved in funding these programs as well as all of the training they put into educating not only the General Education Teachers but the special education teachers and instructional aides. I feel very lucky to be a part of this district. Walking out of this meeting I was 100% convinced that my child is being given the best program possible to fit his needs and help him accomplish and even potentially surpass his IEP goals. I am now confident that it is not just the educators and professionals that touch his life on a daily basis, but also those leading the fight that have his best interest at heart as well. I had the opportunity to meet the Director of Pupil Services. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she not only knew who my child was, she knew when he started with the school districts pre-school program and things that he is working on in class and with his IEP.

Unless we open ourselves up to the possibilities and opportunities around us, let ourselves be vulnerable enough to ask for help, and begin to see the truth as others see it around us, we have no chance of total peace and tranquility in our lives.

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