Wednesday, June 8, 2011


There are many reasons a child may need an IEP and I highly encourage every mom and dad that has concerns about their child's growth and development to reach out and request an IEP. There is no charge for an IEP and if your child happens to qualify for one, he/she would be eligible for one or several services to assist them in their progress toward social/emotional and/or academic growth and development.

In my opinion, there is no better gift you can give your child. The tools to be a happy, confident person will carry them far within their lifetime.

When I was a child no one talked about ADD, ADHD, Autistic Like Behaviors or Autistic Spectrum Disorders. There were kids in the "special classroom" and those that were mainstreamed. The only thing I remember hearing about as a child was the term "learning disability" This could mean that the person was autistic, dyslexic, had behavioral issues, ADD or any other "issue" that affected his/her learning.

38 years later, there are so many potential reasons for a child to be given an IEP from their school districts assessment team and possibly awarded free services to assist in bettering the child's chances of academic and social/emotional success.

We had the opportunity to have our son assessed and it is one of the best things we have done as parents so far. I will post again soon about our road to the IEP and where we go next.

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