Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Vulnerability and Authenticity

A few weeks ago I shared my thoughts on what Vulnerability means to me and asked others to share what it meant to them.  I received some responses and interesting perspectives that I hadn't considered prior.  Since that day, I have continued to see people, some I know and some strangers, post about vulnerability.  Being the optimistic glass half full person I am, I took it as a sign that the universe was telling me to go deeper on this topic, so here I am writing about it again!

One post in particular focused on vulnerability being the core, heart and center of meaningful human experience led me to reflect on my own experience, both good and bad with Vulnerability.  

For much of my life, I was told to not be so open, so honest, so passionate about offering alternative ways to think about something or discussing "the elephant in the room" because authenticity wasn't appropriate for the audience, the situation or we needed to stick to an agenda.  

Years of mindset work, leading and coaching others to find their true inner voice, has allowed me to break free from the "learned behaviors and feelings" of I can't be genuine to my truth for fear of others judging me and in turn lean into what I always felt was right in my core.  In making these shifts, I recognized the power in combining authenticity and vulnerability! 

Authenticity, Vulnerability and a generous sprinkle of Passion has become my "secret sauce." Combining compassion and empathy with deep active listening allows me to package a tough love message one needs to hear in a way that empowers and encourages them to take action. 

Sharing my varied experiences from childhood and parenting, to school meetings and even the board room has inspired and encouraged countless executives, leaders and parents to not give up on their purpose and passion.  

Worthiness, Trust and Belief in oneself is where the rubber meets the road on finding your voice and recognizing you have the power to create the change you wish to see, inspiring others to do the same, making a positive and lasting impact. 

 Deep vulnerability and authenticity leads to relatability, impact and opportunity.  

Coming Soon:

Group  discussions focused on 

Topics important to parents of students with learning differences 

Website found here ->  https://journey2bloom.wixsite.com/mysite/how-we-collaborate

#journey2bloom #inspireresilience #ittakesavillage #movingmountains #wordsmatter #advocacy #parenting #findingyourvoice


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