Monday, September 12, 2011

It takes a village

We are one week into my son's new Pre-K program and I couldn't be happier with the teachers and special educators that are providing services to him and other children at the school. Every morning I walk onto campus and we are greated by smiling teachers, directors and other educators, relaxed and excited to see my little boy show up for school. They are ready to take on whatever challenge may arise that day. Working along side of him to offer the best solutions and redirection in order to teach life skills. I believe now more than ever that it really does take a village to be successful in providing your child with the best.

I am very lucky to have a village behind me, offering guidance, support and assistance along the way. It is quite comforting to know that he is thriving and growing every day. This last year has been full of ups and downs, yet so much good has come out of it. He is learning and growing in ways that I would have never thought possible even 6 short months ago. It is almost as though he is not even the same little boy that he was back in December when we began more intense early intervention services for him.

If not for the team behind me, I am not sure where we would be today. If not for the team along side of me now, I think I would be quite depressed and at a loss for what to do next. I am not sad, nor depressed nor feeling alone any longer. Instead, I am in a great place, feeling extremely optimistic about the future and the wonderful life ahead for our family and our kids.

I write today's blog for those that feel as though they are stuck at a cross-roads. Unsure of whether or not to start or continue early intervention services for their child. If you have any doubts about there being a chance for your child to be successful and thrive in a mainstream environment read through my blog posts. The old saying, "when there's a will there's a way" definitely applies to my train of thought - Tt is up to me to give my kids every possible opportunity to be as happy and successful as they choose to be -no matter how much time, energy and effort it takes on my part. In the long run it will be worth every moment.

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