Friday, February 26, 2021

The Courage to Fail.....Go ahead and try it!

 The Courage to fail leads to.......

- permission and willingness to make mistakes

- being ok not having all the answers

- seeking help when you need it

- speaking up when something isn't working

- sharing ideas in a meeting

- letting go of the outcome

- stopping yourself from worrying about how others may respond

- trusting yourself

By having the Courage to fail, you learn....

- It is ok to make mistakes

- How to accept help from others

- Being vulnerable is a sign of strength

What if - Having the courage to fail gives others an opportunity to help you help yourself by listening, offering support and encouragement to keep going!

Go ahead try it! I promise you will learn something!

#couragetofail #findingyourvoice #learningdifferences #inspireresilience #journey2bloom #parenting #advoacy #mentorcoaching #wordsmatter

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