Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Courage to Fail

As I recorded a short video titled - The Courage to Fail - I realized I found the Courage to Fail when I was just 4 years old - determined to jump high enough to reach the sturdy branch that stood well above my head on the big oak tree in my front yard. I wanted so much to climb as high as the birds who sat perched on the delicate branches above, overlooking the street upon which I resided.  I must have jumped 100 times before finally grasping the limb and pulling myself up to a sitting position. I still remember the feeling of my heart pounding through my chest and the smile that showed how proud I was for not giving up. I sat on the branch for what felt like hours.  I know this courage to fail inspired resilience in me and opened the pathway for clarity and my Journey2Bloom

Today vivid memories came rushing back as I began recalling the many hours I spent sitting on a branch high above the grass, trying to find my place among those on the street below and dreaming of one day having a meaningful impact on the world.  

I will be the first to say I didn't always embrace "The Courage to Fail" and until today I certainly didn't really understand how engrained this statement was within my being.  

As I continue to move through this Journey2Bloom, finding the courage to fail has paved the way for me to help others succeed.

I am beginning to clearly see that The Courage to Fail led me to the courage to endure, the courage to continue on, the courage to learn, grow and has brought me to a crossroads where this Courage to Fail is giving me the Courage to Thrive. 

Tell me about your Courage to Fail! 

Ready to plant the seeds and embark on your path to clarity while traveling alongside me on your very own journey2bloom?  If so, please email me at journey2bloom@gmail.com to connect!

Website found here ->  https://journey2bloom.wixsite.com/mysite/how-we-collaborate

#journey2bloom #inspireresilience #ittakesavillage #movingmountains #wordsmatter #advocacy #parenting #findingyourvoice #learningdifferences #mentorcoaching

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