Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Lessons Learned

Whether pushed toward or stumbled upon the mountain of lessons learned through this journey I am grateful for what each has taught me. Some lessons were easily internalized and others took me years to recognize and acknowledge as lessons.  Once open to forgiving myself for the shame I felt, the part I played or the choice I made in that situation, I was open to reflection and understanding of what the lesson taught me and how I would choose to use that knowledge going forward.  

It is the lessons learned through circumstances and situations that led me to find my voice.  Every lesson learned comes from a choice and how we deal with it leads us down a road of additional choices.  

When we come from a place a fear and scarcity, we get one result.

When we come from a place of trust and understanding we get a different result.

When we come from a place of objectivity - we are open to change, open to receive and open to opportunities that are presented to us.  

I lived through and coached hundreds through this evolution and transformation.  I know first-hand how free one feels about their decisions and interactions when calm clarity, confidence and curiosity is established. 

In finding my voice I learned to Be Calm, Be Curious and Be Clear

When those at the table seek to understand before being understood pathways for collaboration are opened, creative solutions are created and supports and interventions implemented timely, benefiting everyone, especially the child.   

Coming Soon - group sessions 

 Find out more about how I can help here -> 

#journey2bloom #inspireresilience #ittakesavillage #movingmountains #wordsmatter #advocacy #parenting #findingyourvoice

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Preparation - How important is it?

Have you ever walked into a meeting thinking you were ready only to be blindsided by simple topics you were capable of/should have been prepared to respond to right there and then?  How did you feel when that happened? Did it cause you to react with emotion or were you able to step back, take a deep breathe, regroup and respond with objectivity?  You may be asking yourself what does each look like, so let me provide examples:

Reacting with emotion is something like, "I didn't know we were going to cover that. We need to move on" It comes from a place of defensiveness and not of one that wants to engage in the discussion, ultimately halting any forward progress.

Responding with objectivity sounds something like, "wow what a great question. I wasn't expecting that but let's talk about it" comes from a place of curiosity and seeking to understand - allowing the conversation to continue with steps forward toward resolution.    

You may look at the above and feel like what I wrote is semantics, and perhaps it is, however perception is reality and I have seen countless people interpret each in ways I reference above.  It either causes the group in discussion to lean in and collaborate or pull back and disconnect.  Emotions tend to bind us to outcomes while objectivity allows us to remain grounded in the present, open to change, open to receiving and open to opportunity.  

As I lean in and create a platform for parents to find their voice these principals become a core part of the foundation upon which I stand.  

Onto today's topic: Preparation - How important is it?  The answer - Extremely! All situations(a meeting, a competition, a bike ride, a test etc.) require preparation.  Of course preparation could mean stretching, visualizing, researching, putting thoughts on paper and sometimes hours of practice.  Regardless, it is an input of every positive outcome.

Here is a sampling of how one can go about preparing.  

Gather the facts: When you reference a topic, be certain to have the facts together. Samples and observations are key.

Write it down: When you write down your thoughts, it allows time to process, brings clarity and conciseness to the words you choose and prepares you for a positive, interactive and engaging discussion

Ask Questions: No one expects you to have all the answers nor understand every word being said in the meeting.  When you don't know what you don't know you can't participate!  If you aren't sure what was said or something doesn't make sense, ask for clarification or an example. 

When you understand what questions to ask, learn how to ask them and what to do when someone replies with an answer that confuses or frustrates you, a whole new world of interaction emerges. 

Why is this so important? Great question - When you trust yourself enough to lean into your truth with confidence and clarity you will find that anything is possible. 

Coming Soon - group sessions on these topics and so much more.  

 Find out more about how I can help here ->

#journey2bloom #inspireresilience #ittakesavillage #movingmountains #wordsmatter #advocacy #parenting #findingyourvoice

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Filled With Detours and No Directions

Journey's come with detours and no directions.   Start stop, stall, U-Turn, roadblocks and yes, sometimes even dead-ends.  I have learned how the lessons taught along the way help us course correct, redirect, sometimes stop us in our tracks, and ultimately, whether we know it or not, lead us to exactly where we are meant to be.  Of course we will question decisions, react vs. respond with answers, get frustrated by roadblocks during our travels, often caused by the very thoughts we put in our minds for fear of unknow, lack of trust in ourselves, others or perhaps because we just don't know what we don't know. Often getting get stuck in a traffic circle of what if's and why not's along the way.  Eventually finding our way out of the circle.  Sound familiar?  If so, I encourage you to give yourself the space to reflect without shame nor judgement, on how far you have come, how much you have done for your child or a child you know - I suspect if you dig deep enough - you will find moments of gratitude.  Perhaps not on the same shores, yet certainly on similar roads with bumps, turns, cliffs from time to time.    

Allow yourself to Be vulnerable, Be courageous enough to ask for help and Be OK: saying I don't know - asking for help - not having the answers because sometimes it really is OK not being ok.

Today's topic differs slightly because of my most recent detour I unintentionally gave myself the opportunity to learn the gift of vulnerability, focusing on what I can control so I could show up at the highest level of worthiness and value.  I have learned the art of  engaging, influencing and impacting those who are willing to lean in and listen.  Ironically as I was leading others through their personal and professional transformation - they were helping me get back in touch with my true identity, fall into full alignment with my purpose and passion and ultimately become a better version of myself.  

Surrounded by a few key people showing up for me every day in a non-judgmental way.  Getting to teach and lead executive leaders to understand why vulnerability is a sign of strength and servant leadership leads to amazing opportunities.  Clients showing up open to receive, listening and engaging in whatever topic showed up during 1:1 mindset coaching or group coaching sessions that led to lifechanging breakthroughs for many.  This combination of learnings ultimately led me to finding the calm courage to go all in on helping parents find their voice - bringing to the forefront - clarity, confidence, clarity and a voice that provides the foundation for one's own version of my #journey2bloom.

A kind and gentle reminder - my mission is to lay the groundwork for a path of collaboration, open communication and vulnerability that allows everyone to speak their truth, concerns and valuable insights, creating cohesive partnerships and a roadmap that truly benefits the child.  This could be a toddler, adolescent, teenage, young adult or adult learner.  

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post and feel free to pass it along to anyone you feel may benefit from reading it or speaking with me.  As I move forward on this journey it is important that I understand what topics are top of mind for those searching for answers.  If you or someone you know has a topic of interest, would like to know more about upcoming group conversations or may be interested in a confidential 1:1 conversation, please reach out to see how I may be able to support you on your own #journey2bloom. 

Find out more about how I can help here ->

#journey2bloom #inspireresilience #ittakesavillage #movingmountains #wordsmatter #advocacy #parenting #findingyourvoice

Thankful Thursday - Simplicity in a complex puzzle

I wholeheartedly believe recognizing the need for simplicity is essential in creating a pathway toward clarity, collaboration and change. So...