Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Journey to Bloom - Every Child Deserves To Live Their Best Life

As I debated whether or not it was time to share my company logo with the entire Facebook world, so many thoughts and emotions swirled through my mind. Over the last 11 years there has been so much anger, sadness, confusion, excitement, exhaustion, frustration of setbacks and celebrations of forward progress. While it has been a roller coaster ride, filled with twists, turns, legs dangling, sometimes stalled upside down on the track or sitting at the top of a huge dip about to take my breath away and leave a pit in my stomach - in the final moments before I hit save, the only feeling I had was Certainty.

I haven't been this certain of anything in over 20 years and boy does it feel amazing. Wondering, when was the last time I actually had such a feeling of certainty? One word, Gymnastics!

The sense of belonging, teamwork, collaboration, freedom to achieve whatever goal I allowed my mind to believe it could achieve and taking the steps to make it happen, no matter how tough the journey.

While life was much different, and one may not see where the parallels would come into view, for me it's serendipitous and for the first time in a very long time everything makes sense. When I was in the gym, I was in my element, flying through the air, in control of my destiny while pushing myself past limits I never new possible with the support and yes many times push of my coaches and teammates.

I was comfortable with me, trusted my decisions and had goal after goal that I was committed to accomplishing. In the end my own fears and insecurities, along with injuries, led to the end of the world I once knew as the one place I could be Me,my happy place.

During those years, I wanted nothing more than for my team members to be successful because the more successful they were the harder I worked at being that much better myself. The only person I was in competition with was me. Other's success made me happy, increased my energy, focus and yearning to do great things as a teammate and an individual performer. The moments, hours and years I spent in the gym were many of the best and worst days of my life yet all in all I wouldn't change any of it (well most of it at least) because without much of what I endured I wouldn't be who I am today.

The everlasting relationships, mentors, "sister's", confidants, and coaches who I still turn to for guidance, an ear, or a shoulder from time to time made the ride worth it! Without this foundation my level of dedication, never give up mentality, keep moving forward, glass always somewhat full vs. somewhat empty and undeniably unique lifelong friendships that can't be put into words would not be part of who I am as a person and what drives me to keep going as a mom, parent advocate and now, professional advocate. My journey to Bloom has been anything but easy, yet it has been meaningful, eye-opening and even therapeutic. While this journey that began almost 11 years ago started with a 100% focus on my oldest son, it turned into a self reflecting and everlasting transformation for me and our entire family. I learned what it meant to not know how to socialize, how hard it can be to learn to write, balance, jump and even talk. Many tears were shed over the years, and sometimes I still breakdown, there are still some really hard days! What keeps me going is my family, the village of experts and unconditional friendships that have guided me, encouraged me, listened to me, at times told me what I needed to hear not what I wanted to hear and last but certainly not least ALWAYS believed in me - most days even more than I believed in myself.

Through these trying times, I realized the true meaning of unconditional love, saw judging from people I never thought would judge, other times family members told me what I should do to help my child, or said he would just grow out of it and asked why I was seeking outside support to help me figure out how to help him live his best life! There were even some who chose to close the door on our friendship or that of their child's with my oldest. After all these years, self reflection and overall analysis of this road less traveled I wouldn't have it any other way.

At 46, I know what is most important doesn't come from what others think, say or do, it comes from within and how you approach things, care about others, embrace change and tough times, all in all allowing yourself to grow, change and learn through the transformation.

While my now 6th grader who, after being told he would never go to a normal school, transitioned off an IEP and onto a 504 in 3rd grade and is now in 2 GT classes, chorus, made honor roll AND does year round competitive swim. Couldn't be more proud of what has been accomplished through blood,sweat and tears with this amazing kiddo My story doesn't start and stop there. 8 years ago we had our second son and for the first few years everything appeared to be "normal" He was our little Sunshine, go with the flow, great sleeper and eater kiddo. At that time we thought oh yeah this one is going to be a nice stroll in the park..................WRONG.............Fast forward to age 3 1/2..............that is where the next journey begins. To be Continued......................

After researching opportunities, being accepted into the SEAT COPAA program, going through the intense coursework and hands on Practicum training with my wonderful Attorney Advocate, the journey led to the launch of my business Bloom Special Education Advocacy, LLC.

I feel privileged to be able to serve others the way others have served me thus far through my journey. I know first hand how hard this journey is - the difficulties in identifying what is triggering certain behaviors or delays in a child's academic, social and emotional performance, the frustration of not knowing where to begin when working with the school system and then once at the table, feeling overwhelmed and unable to truly understanding the importance of collaboration, knowledge and ideal overall approach to ensuring your child has the ability to learn in a way that ultimately allows them to live their best life.

If you have General Questions, Need Help Navigating the System, Interested in having me as a guest speaker for a parent or teacher event or need an advocate please reach out to me. I welcome the opportunity to lead you through your unique journey.

You can find me on Facebook by searching -> @bloomspecialeducationadvocacy

Thankful Thursday - Simplicity in a complex puzzle

I wholeheartedly believe recognizing the need for simplicity is essential in creating a pathway toward clarity, collaboration and change. So...